Embark on a cheeky comedic fantasy — set in the utterly famished realm of Jimmyville.

Half-Price Heroes: The King’s Biscuits

In the world of gravy chefs, buttersmiths, and corporate food gods…

Do not falter!

For the holy que of the great steak washes over the Bold!

Embark on a journey with me as I weave tales of fantasy, comedy, deliciousness, and imagination.

Inspired by my own adventures as a creator, foodie, and tabletop roleplaying game master of 17 years, Jimmyville is a satirical realm of surprise, laughter, oddity, and possibility.

Half Price Heroes: The King’s Biscuits is tentatively scheduled for a release in late August 2024.

Learn more about the project by clicking here or by joining the Jimmyville Gazette.


A massive solid gold castle looking a bit like cheese

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